Friday 18 November 2011


So I have had a look at other blogs on here and am gonna follow a couple of them.  You are all so American and wholesome.  There is so much here about God, and happy families, and cooking good healthy food, and being vergetarian, and sewing, and growing your own food.  Nothing wrong with any of it.  Highly desirable.  Somethng to aspire to.  But very American.

I used to think we were getting Americanised over here.  Oh- did I forget to tell you I live in England?  And that is not Scotland or Wales...all those together with Ireland are the British Isles, and all that without Eire (or Southern Ireland) is the United Kingdom.  I am British, which is not the same as being English.  But I am English too.

Anyway, I thought we were getting Americanised.  I visited America for the first time earlier this year.  It was an eye opener.  In all the places I visited, the people, the culture, the outlook, the degree of sincerity varied.  I loved visiting you.  But with MacDonald's and Cocoa Cola and 'fries'm, I thought that good old GB was losing it's identity.  Having see some of your blogs, I can see profound differences.  I don't know how representative of America and American culture the blogs are on here, but I do know that they have absolutely no connection with the lives of the majority of people in this country.

There is stuff we could learn from each other.  Our young people are so into weed it is well into the mainstream and practically normal.  They go out with the intentin of getting drunk.  They do not thnk they have had a good time unles someone has taken a pic of them passed out on the street, and if you are a girl it is almost compulsory to wear 6 inch heels and a skirt that barely covers your knickers, if you are wearing any.  They go around looking like whores.

There are a few kids who are not like this- like mine for example.  Generally they are not like this, but it has been hard work keeping them, or sometimes getting them back onto, the straight and narrow.  So we could learn something from you I think.

You could maybe learn to lighten up a bit.  Everything feels so so sincere and while it often is, it can sometimes feel so fake.  Like, 'have a nice day'.  If you say it to everyone, even strangers, it feels like you have been programmed to sday it and have forgotten what it means.  Doctor in the A&E ( you call it the ER). 'OK, so you have a major fracture to both lower bones in your leg, we will plaster it for now but you are likely to require surgery at some point and you may lose it.  Do you have any questions?  No? Well then, here are the details of your follow up appointment.  Have a nice day!'  You see how it feels insincere?

Us, on the other hand, barely engage with each other.  If 2 guys look at each other- or their eyes just happen to meet accidentally, one is likely to go up to the other and say 'what the fuck are you starin' at?' and punch him.  And cos the youngsters are all drunk, they go over like flies, get knocked out and end up dead or brain damaged.  Thank goodness we don't have guns like you do.

Anyway, I am not knocking you.  Not at all.  Although our TV is swamped with American programmes, we retain our own identity- just.  And anyway as you know by now I am a little bonkers, but I am just using this to help me get stuff out of my head.

Hah!  Pizza has arrived! Ha ha :)

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